10:30 AM10:30

Qualitative Data Visualization Session @ EES

Join our team and Stephanie Evergreen as we explore how to present qualitative data effectively. This interactive, engaging session will showcase Stephanie’s Qualitative Chart Chooser and offer dozens of real-world examples from projects that Michael, Charmagne and Stephanie have worked on.

Session Details:

Time: Thursday, 26/Sept/2024: 10:30am - 12:00pm

Location: Faro

54 theater style

Session Topics: Collaborative Practice, Collaborative Thinking

You must be registered for the European Evaluation Society conference to attend this session.

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9:00 AM09:00

Monthly Gathering of the U-FE / Blue Marble Evaluation Community - March

Join us as we explore the new directions for Utilization-Focused Evaluation through Blue Marble Evaluation. These monthly gatherings will be less one-way webinars and more conversations, case examples, fishbowl-style consulting and opportunities to learn and connect.

Gatherings will take place on the Third Thursday of the month at 9am CST / 2pm UTC.

Click here to register.

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9:00 AM09:00

Monthly Gathering of the U-FE / Blue Marble Evaluation Community - February

Join us as we explore the new directions for Utilization-Focused Evaluation through Blue Marble Evaluation. These monthly gatherings will be less one-way webinars and more conversations, case examples, fishbowl-style consulting and opportunities to learn and connect.

Gatherings will take place on the Third Thursday of the month at 9am CST / 3pm UTC.

Click here to register.

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9:00 AM09:00

Monthly Gathering of the U-FE / Blue Marble Evaluation Community - January

Join us as we explore the new directions for Utilization-Focused Evaluation through Blue Marble Evaluation. These monthly gatherings will include conversations, case examples, fishbowl-style consulting and opportunities to learn and connect.

Gatherings will take place on the Third Thursday of the month at 9am CST / 3pm UTC. Convert to your time zone.

In January, we will be exploring the interconnections between Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Developmental Evaluation and Blue Marble Evaluation. After a brief overview and framing, we will make space for small group conversations about how to practically apply these approaches to your work, as well as what we have learned about the opportunities and challenges for developmental evaluation over the past ten years. These conversations will help inform the new edition of Developmental Evaluation, the book, which Michael and Charmagne will be working on over the next year.

Click here to register.

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principles 9 & 10

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

During this final webinar of the year, we will be digging into the ninth and tenth operating principles of U-FE:

Principle 9: Mobilize Follow-through - Work with intended users to act on the evaluation’s findings and recommendations.

Principle 10: Reflect and Learn - Make time and space to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the utilization-focused evaluation process and results so as to learn and improve.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Convert the webinar into your time zone.

Have an issue you’re burning for us to address? Submit a question and we will do our best to answer it during this webinar or in one of Michael’s frequent YouTube videos

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principles 7 & 8

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

This month, we will be digging into the seventh and eight operating principles of U-FE:

Principle 7: Strategize Process Use.

This principle calls us to facilitate process use with intentionality. Utilization-focused evaluators should be aware of and strategic about how being involved in the evaluation affects those involved.

Principle 8: Adapt.

This principle calls us to watch for, be alert to, and adapt to changed circumstances, shifting priorities, turnover among intended users, reallocation of resources, changed timelines, and other factors that emerge over time.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Convert the webinar into your time zone.

Have an issue you’re burning for us to address? Submit a question and we will do our best to answer it during this webinar or in one of Michael’s frequent YouTube videos

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10:00 AM10:00

CANCELLED - Monthly U-FE Webinar: UFE Operating Principle 7 - Strategize Process Use

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

This month, we will be digging into the seventh operating principle of U-FE -Strategize Process Use.

This principle calls us to facilitate process use with intentionality. Utilization-focused evaluators should be aware of and strategic about how being involved in the evaluation affects those involved. In this webinar, we will explore process use and strategies to facilitate it throughout the evaluation.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Convert the webinar into your time zone.

Have an issue you’re burning for us to address? Submit a question and we will do our best to answer it during this webinar or in one of Michael’s frequent YouTube videos

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2:00 PM14:00

Evaluating Social Change and Innovation - Minnesota Council of Non-Profits

In traditional models, evaluation is often experienced as an add-on or method of oversight and control. What does responsive, integrated evaluation look like? How can evaluation be utilized to build relationships and spark systems change? Join the Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC) and Utilization-Focused Evaluation to learn from their work building an evaluation tool that helps organizations identify their baseline and progress in moving from a traditional approach to reforming systems towards a human-centered approach to systems transformation. Participants will experience how evaluation can be woven into an event, program, and organization culture, featuring lessons learned from MHC’s K-12 school district partnerships.

Charmagne Campbell-Patton, director of organizational learning and evaluation, Utilization-Focused Evaluation and Sung Ja Shin, humanities officer, Minnesota Humanities Center

Learn more & register

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar: U-FE Operating Principle 6 - Engage Users

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

This month, we will be digging into the sixth operating principle of U-FE - Engage Users: Be Active–Reactive–Interactive–Adaptive in working with and engaging intended users.

Utilization-focused evaluation supports use of evaluation processes and findings by engaging with primary intended users to facilitate their intended uses. We describe the facilitation process as being active–reactive–interactive–adaptive. In this webinar, we will explore what this means and the opportunities and challenges to engaging users throughout the evaluation.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Convert the webinar into your time zone.

Have an issue you’re burning for us to address? Submit a question and we will do our best to answer it during this webinar or in one of Michael’s frequent YouTube videos!

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principle 5: Prioritize

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

This month, we will be digging into the fifth operating principle of U-FE - Prioritize: Make attention to use the driving force of the evaluation from beginning to end.

A common mistake is to postpone attention to use until findings are generated. If you don’t know what you’re going to do with the findings before you get them, you won’t know what to do with them after you get them. This critical insight undergirds the utilization-focused evaluation principle on focusing on use from the beginning. In this webinar, we will explore the opportunities and challenges to prioritizing use throughout the evaluation.

This webinar is now complete. Click here to watch a recording of this webinar.

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principle 4: Align

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation.

This month, we will be digging into the fourth operating principle of U-FE: Align. This principle calls us to ensure conceptual alignment of evaluation questions, design, methods, and analysis with intended use by intended users.

Utilization-focused evaluation is an ongoing alignment process. Silos abound. Identifying evaluation questions can be a siloed exercise that takes on a life of its own, detached from intended uses by intended users. Choosing methods, collecting data, and presenting results are typically treated as discrete evaluation functions. In U-FE, these evaluation functions are always undertaken with a focus on how each function will move the evaluation forward toward use. In this webinar, we will explore the opportunities and challenges to aligning evaluations.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Convert the webinar into your time zone.

Have an issue you’re burning for us to address? Submit a question and we will do our best to answer it during this webinar or in one of Michael’s frequent YouTube videos!

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principle 3: Customize

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation. Webinars take place at 10am US Central Time. Click here to convert the webinar into your time zone.

This month, we will be digging into the third operating principle of U-FE: Customize. This principle calls us to be purpose-driven; engage with primary intended users to determine the evaluation’s distinctive uses.

No evaluation can answer all possible questions and serve all possible purposes. Priorities have to be determined. Primary intended users should determine priority uses. The utilization-focused evaluator works with users to achieve agreed-on intended uses. We will explore the opportunities and challenges to customizing evaluations during this webinar.

Click here to register for this or any of our monthly webinars.

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - Principle 2 - Personalize

Join us on the third Wednesday of each month during 2022 as we explore the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation. This month, we will be talking about Principle 2: Personalize. This principle calls us to Honor the personal factor; identify and engage with the primary intended users of the evaluation.

Identifying, organizing, and engaging primary intended users optimizes the personal factor, which emphasizes that an evaluation is more likely to be used if intended users are involved in ways they find meaningful, feel ownership of the evaluation, find the questions relevant, and care about the findings.

Event time is listed in US Central Time. Click here to convert the event to your time zone.

Click here to register for one or all of the webinars.

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10:00 AM10:00

Monthly U-FE Webinar - First Operating Principle of UFE - Contextualize

Join us as we explore the first operating principle of Utilization-Focused Evaluation: Contextualize - understand and take into account the situation in which the evaluation will occur.

Evaluation use is people and context-dependent. Use is likely to be enhanced when the evaluation takes crucial situational factors into account in the design and implementation of the evaluation. Utilization-focused evaluation must be contextualized by identifying and taking into account situational factors that will be critical to evaluation use. We will explore what this means and how to do it, as well as provide concrete examples of successes and failures.

Click here to watch a recording of this webinar.

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11:00 AM11:00

Eval Cafe: New and Emergent Directions in Utilization-Focused Evaluation

Presenters: Michael Quinn Patton, Ph.D., Founder & Director, Utilization-Focused Evaluation and Charmagne E, Campbell, Ph.D., Director of Organizational Learning and Evaluation

Abstract: A new co-authored 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation (U-FE) has just been published. This new edition for the first time presents principles of U-FE that connect theory with practice, questions with methods, and findings with follow through actions. The evaluation profession has adopted a commitment to equity and sustainability. We join that commitment. This new edition presents the role of U-FE in addressing issues of equity and sustainability in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, and the global social justice uprising. As evaluators, we have a stake in having our evaluations used – and we have a stake in a more equitable and sustainable world. The implications for U-FE are substantial, dramatic, and controversial. This session will discuss these issues in both professional and personal terms.

Event Time: 12-1pm EST / 5-6pm UTC

Click here to register.

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Virtual Book Launch: 5th Edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation
10:00 AM10:00

Virtual Book Launch: 5th Edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation

Join us to celebrate the release of the 5th edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation (Sage).

This is the first intergenerational edition of U-FE, co-authored by Michael Quinn Patton and Charmagne E. Campbell-Patton. Hear from the authors and special guests about the book and how it seeks to contribute to a more sustainable, equitable society.

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8:00 AM08:00

Utilization-Focused Evaluation

Description: Utilization-Focused Evaluation begins with the premise that evaluations should be judged by their utility and actual use; therefore, evaluators should facilitate the evaluation process and design any evaluation with careful consideration of how everything that is done, from beginning to end, will affect use. Use concerns how real people in the real world apply evaluation findings and experience the evaluation process.  Therefore, the focus in utilization-focused evaluation is on intended use by intended users.

Utilization-focused evaluation is a process for helping primary intended users select the most appropriate content, model, methods, theory, and uses for their particular situation.  Situational responsiveness guides the interactive process between evaluator and primary intended users.  A psychology of use undergirds and informs utilization-focused evaluation:  intended users are more likely to use evaluations if they understand and feel ownership of the evaluation process and findings; they are more likely to understand and feel ownership if they’ve been actively involved; by actively involving primary intended users, the evaluator is training users in use, preparing the groundwork for use, and reinforcing the intended utility of the evaluation every step along the way.

Participants will learn:

  • Key factors in doing useful evaluations, common barriers to use, and how to overcome those barriers.

  • Implications of focusing an evaluation on intended use by intended users.

  • Options for evaluation design and methods based on situational responsiveness, adaptability and creativity.

  • Ways of building evaluation into the programming process to increase use.

The course will utilize the instructor’s text: Utilization-Focused Evaluation, 4th Ed., (Sage, 2008).

Click here for more information and to register.

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to Jun 18

Facilitating Evaluation - Course with EnCompass taught by Michael Quinn Patton

  • Google Calendar ICS

Evaluation facilitation is a specialized niche within the larger world of facilitation. It applies and adapts general facilitation knowledge and techniques to the specialized challenges of working with stakeholder groups involved in program evaluation. The purpose of such facilitation is to enhance the relevance, credibility, meaningfulness, and utility of evaluations.

Evaluation facilitation falls within the Interpersonal Domain of the American Evaluation Association’s competencies. This domain focuses on the human relations and social interactions that ground evaluator’s effectiveness for professional practice. Interpersonal skills include cultural competence, communication, facilitation, and conflict resolution. This webinar will build skills in all of these interpersonal skills, with particular emphasis on facilitation as the bedrock of interpersonal evaluator competence. The interpersonally competent evaluation facilitator:

  • Fosters positive relationships for professional practice and evaluation use

  • Listens to understand and engage different perspectives

  • Facilitates shared decision making for evaluation

  • Builds trust throughout the evaluation

  • Attends to the ways power and privilege affect evaluation practice

  • Communicates in meaningful ways that enhance the effectiveness of the evaluation

  • Facilitates constructive and culturally responsive interaction throughout the evaluation

  • Manages conflicts constructively.

    (Source: AEA Interpersonal Competencies)

This course is delivered in four virtual, instructor-led modules. Read about each of the modules below. Classes will take place online via Adobe Connect or Zoom. Certificates of completion will be provided at the end of the course to all participants who have successfully completed the modules.

Module 1: Evaluation Facilitation Overview: Dimensions, Skills, and Steps

June 15, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EDT

This opening module will cover the five generic steps in group facilitation as applied to evaluation. Questions for establishing facilitation parameters will flow from framing and clarifying roles, responsibilities, and power dynamics. To enhance evaluation use, facilitation involves being active–reactive–interactive–adaptive; we will cover and illustrate what this means and how to do it. A facilitator self-assessment will build the scaffolding for facilitation capacity building. We will provide and discuss examples. Participants will share their own experiences and issues. We will also highlight classic evaluation facilitation failures as opportunities for learning.

Module 2: Five Operating Principles for Evaluation Facilitation

June 17, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EDT

This module will introduce, explain, and illustrate with examples the five fundamental evaluation facilitation principles:

1. Be guided by the personal factor.

2. Engage through options.

3. Observe, interpret, and adapt

4. Embed evaluative thinking in all aspects of the facilitation.

5. Invigorate with leading-edge inputs.

Module 3: Facilitation Issues and Adaptation

June 22, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EDT

In this module, we will identify common facilitation challenges. Usual issues to be discussed include: building evaluation capacity; why and how less can be more; going slowly to go fast; being mindful throughout; treating whatever happens as data; adapting facilitation to what emerges; and exercising your authority sparingly, but forcefully.

Module 4: Facilitation Cases and Opportunities for Practice

June 24, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EDT

This final module will use cases to illuminate facilitation techniques, tools, and processes. Facilitation is a skill that requires practice and participants will have the opportunity to put all that they have learned into action. Afterwards, participants will discuss their experiences, and the group will generate lessons and effective practices.

Click here to learn more and register.

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12:00 PM12:00

Event: A conversation with the authors of A Developmental Evaluation Companion

To celebrate the launch of A Developmental Evaluation Companion the McConnell Foundation is hosting a conversation with the authors, Jamie Gamble, Kate McKegg and Mark Cabaj. Contributing authors will also make remarks, including U-FE’s Charmagne Campbell-Patton.

This will be an opportunity to grow, challenge and refine the practice of developmental evaluation. Click here to register.

A Developmental Evaluation Companion seeks to provide an understanding of the usefulness of developmental evaluation for innovative or transformative projects, drawn from concrete experiences and a decade of practice.

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1:00 PM13:00

Spotlighting 45 years of utilization-focused evaluation: The past, present, and latest advances.

At this year's AEA conference, the new fifth edition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation will be unveiled. The first edition was published in 1978, the second in 1986, the third in 1997, and the 4th edition in 2008. Essentials of Utilization-Focused Evaluation came out in 2015. This session will review the development of utilization-focused evaluation over the last 45 years, highlight the new directions and advances featured in the 5th edition, and look to the future of both utilization-focused evaluation and evaluation in general. This will include the way in which developmental evaluation, principles-focused evaluation, and Blue Marble Evaluation have emerged from and remain within the overall umbrella of utilization-focused evaluation.

Session Number: 1194
Track: Use and Influence of Evaluation
Session Type: Expert Lecture
Tags: blue marble evaluation, Developmental Evaluation, principles focused evaluation, Use of evaluation data, User Engagement, utilization-focused evaluation
Session Facilitator: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
First Author or Discussion Group Leader: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
Time: Oct 28, 2020 (01:00 PM - 01:45 PM)

Click here for more information.

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Blue Marble Evaluation Webinar: Book Launch
11:00 AM11:00

Blue Marble Evaluation Webinar: Book Launch

Join us for the online unveiling of Michael Quinn Patton’s latest book, Blue Marble Evaluation: Premise & Principles.

Description: As a transdisciplinary profession, evaluation has much to offer to global change interventions that work toward a sustainable future across national boundaries, sectors, and issues. This book introduces Blue Marble evaluation, which provides a framework for developing, adapting, and evaluating major systems change initiatives involving complex networks of stakeholders. Michael Quinn Patton demonstrates how the four overarching principles and 12 operating principles of this innovative approach allow evaluators, planners, and implementers to home in on sustainability and equity issues in an intervention. Compelling case examples, bulleted review lists, charts, and 80 original exhibits and graphics connect the global and local, the human and ecological. Rooted in utilization-focused, developmental, and principles-focused evaluation, Blue Marble evaluation is designed to tackle problems outside the reach of traditional evaluation practice.

Webinar time: 17:00 UTC, 12pm EST, 11am CST

Click here to register for the webinar.

Pre-order your book now!

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9:15 AM09:15

AEA Session: Becoming a World Savvy Blue Marble Evaluator

  • Minneapolis Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Blue Marble Evaluation is focused on training the next generation of evaluators to “Think Globally, Act Globally and Evaluate Globally.” Taking a Blue Marble perspective means viewing the world holistically and thinking beyond nation-states, sector siloes, and narrowly identified issues. Blue Marble evaluators are tasked with watching for, making sense of, and interpreting the implications of interconnections between the global and local, the macro and the micro, and the relationships between worldwide patterns and area-specific challenges. They become adept at zooming out for a big picture perspective and zooming in to understand and incorporate contextual variations, problems, and solutions. This workshop will build evaluators’ skills at thinking globally. We will bring in expertise from.our partners at World Savvy, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit that has been working to build the global competence of students and educators for over 17 years.

Session Number: 1467
Track: International and Cross Cultural Evaluation
Session Type: Skill-Building Workshop
Tags: Blue Marble, Competencies, international, systems change
Session Facilitator: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
First Author or Discussion Group Leader: Charmagne Elise Campbell-Patton [Director of Organizational Learning & Evaluation - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
Second Author or Discussion Group Leader: Dana Mortenson [Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder - World Savvy]
Time: Nov 16, 2019 (09:15 AM - 10:00 AM)
Room: CC M100 H

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2:15 PM14:15

AEA Session: Blue Marble Evaluation for Global Systems Transformation

The Blue Marble is the iconic image of the Earth from space without borders or boundaries, a whole Earth perspective. Humans are using the Earth’s resources, polluting and warming it, unsustainably. Climate change, worldwide pollution, and global disparities require global interventions and world savvy evaluators. Blue Marble evaluators enter the fray by examining the effectiveness of global transformation efforts in the context of Sustainability Development Goals and Agenda 2030 and beyond. The Blue Marble perspective means looking beyond nation-state boundaries and across sector and issue silos to connect the global and local, connect the human and ecological, and connect evaluative thinking and methods with those trying to bring about global systems transformation. This involves thinking globally, acting locally, and evaluating the interactions. Blue Marble evaluation has four overarching principles and 12 operating principles that guide evaluating global systems transformations. Their implications will be discussed: Evaluating transformation means transforming evaluation.

Session Number: 1295
Track: International and Cross Cultural Evaluation
Session Type: Expert Lecture
Tags: Blue Marble, Blue Marble evaluators, global evaluation, sustainability
First Author or Discussion Group Leader: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
Time: Nov 15, 2019 (02:15 PM - 03:15 PM)
Room: CC M100 I
Audience Level: All Audiences

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8:00 AM08:00

AEA Session - Blue Marble Evaluation: transforming evaluation to inform global transformation in the Anthropocene

Session Number: 2270
Track: Systems in Evaluation
Session Type: Panel
Session Chair: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
Discussant: Marah B Moore [Director - i2i Institute]
First Author or Discussion Group Leader: Pablo Vidueira [Global Systems Change (Blue Marble) Evaluator - Global Alliance for the Future of Food]
Second Author or Discussion Group Leader: Glenn G. Page [SustainaMetrix]
Third Author or Discussion Group Leader: Claire Nicklin [Andean Regional Representative - Collaborative Crop Research Program]
Time: Nov 14, 2019 (08:00 AM - 09:00 AM)
Room: CC M100 A
Abstract 1 Title: Blue Marble Bricolage
If we do not actively alter path-dependence that underlies the Anthropocene, we will end up reinforcing it. Blue Marble evaluation applies the concept of bricolage to both see and alter path-dependence of a social-ecological systems. An example of response to rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine will illustrate the concept of Blue Marble Bricolage to develop new opportunities and innovative solutions that can have a systemic impact. The Bricoleur must have a global and local perspective, a deep sense of context awareness, ability to learn from the past, deeply focused on the present and able to create recombinations of pre-existing and new ideas, concepts or technologies for collective seeing and acting in the future. This act of recombination has been termed bricolage, drawn from the junk collectors in France and defined as making creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand, regardless of original purpose.

Abstract 2 Title: Blue Marble Evaluation in practice. The experience of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food

This paper will focus on two aspects of BME practice based on the experience of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GA), a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations aiming to leverage the transformation of food systems towards greater renewability, resilience, equity, diversity, health and interconnectedness.

  1. Integration with other evaluation approaches: In order to help the GA to to adapt and navigate the complexity of food systems transformation, their M&E system relies on four evaluation approaches (Utilization-focused Evaluation, Developmental Evaluation, Principles-focused Evaluation, and Blue Marble Evaluation) working synergistically by yielding different questions for learning and reflection, and for evaluating the design, implementation, and outcomes.

  2. Lessons learnt about tools and methods for applying Blue Marble Evaluation (BME): BME is eclectic in methods. It claims to conduct utilization-focused evaluations incorporating Blue Marble principles to match methods to the evaluation situation. Examples of tools along with lessons learnt will be shared.

Abstract 3 Title: Honoring the local to unearth global learning
The diversity of local experiences and contexts often get averaged, generalized and generally glossed over when moving towards global declarations, which can lead to ineffective silver bullet solutions. Similarly, pertinent global experiences and influences are often ignored when an initiative is too focused on local action resulting in redundant efforts and negative externalities. Synthesizing heterogeneity to reveal patterns that inform learning often requires a transformation in evaluation. The Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) funds projects in 7 countries in Africa and three in South America. The projects are comprised of multi-actor partners such as farmers, national agriculture research organizations, NGOs, and international researchers who often do not see the benefits of thinking and acting across the local-global spectrum.  Further, finding ways to integrate local and global perspectives and associated analyses has been a challenge. In this presentation we will present concrete examples of how the CCRP has undertaken Blue Marble Evaluation.

Audience Level: All Audiences
Session Abstract (150 words):

Taking a Blue Marble perspective means viewing the world holistically. It begins with watching for and interpreting interconnections in the global system, thus thinking beyond nation-states, sector siloes, and narrowly identified issues. Blue Marble evaluations assess global-local interactions by observing and documenting contextual variations locally within a coherent global pattern. Blue Marble Evaluation is not a specific set of methods or measurements, though treating the global system as the focus of evaluation has major methodological and measurement implications. Blue Marble evaluators must be able to communicate and work with the vast array of people. Blue Marble evaluations must provide timely, meaningful, relevant, credible, and actionable information in support of global systems change and, ultimately, transformation, thereby becoming part of the solution. This is a tall order! This session will provide some specific examples of how a Blue Marble perspective is being incorporated in three different evaluation practices.

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Blue Marble Evaluation Book Launch
8:00 PM20:00

Blue Marble Evaluation Book Launch

Join us for a book signing and reception to celebrate the world premier of Michael Quinn Patton’s new book, Blue Marble Evaluation: Premises and Principles.

As a transdisciplinary profession, evaluation has much to offer to global change interventions that work toward a sustainable future across national boundaries, sectors, and issues. This book introduces Blue Marble evaluation, which provides a frame…

As a transdisciplinary profession, evaluation has much to offer to global change interventions that work toward a sustainable future across national boundaries, sectors, and issues. This book introduces Blue Marble evaluation, which provides a framework for developing, adapting, and evaluating major systems change initiatives involving complex networks of stakeholders. Michael Quinn Patton demonstrates how the four overarching principles and 12 operating principles of this innovative approach allow evaluators, planners, and implementers to home in on sustainability and equity issues in an intervention. Compelling case examples, bulleted review lists, charts, and 80 original exhibits and graphics connect the global and local, the human and ecological. Rooted in utilization-focused, developmental, and principles-focused evaluation, Blue Marble evaluation is designed to tackle problems outside the reach of traditional evaluation practice.

Pre-order your book now!

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8:00 AM08:00

AEA Workshop: Principles-Focused Developmental Evaluation

Session Number: 04
Track: Professional Development Workshops
Session Type: Professional Development Workshops
PD Workshop Lead Presenter: Michael Quinn Patton [Founder & Director - Utilization-Focused Evaluation]
Time: Nov 11, 2019 (09:00 AM - 04:00 PM)
Room: Mon-Tues 04
Audience Level: Intermediate
Learning Outcomes (PD Workshops): Participants will learn:
1. The niche and nature of developmental evaluation (DE)
2. Five purposes and applications of developmental evaluation
3. The relationship between complexity, systems thinking, and DE
4. The use of the GUIDE framework for principles-focused evaluation
5. The particular challenges, strengths, and weaknesses of developmental evaluation.
6. The 8 essential principles for designing and conducting developmental evaluations.

Prerequisites (PD Workshops): Knows basic purpose distinctions (summative, formative, accountability, M&E)
Session Abstract (150 words):


Developmental evaluation (DE) guides innovative initiatives in complex dynamic environments. Principles-focused evaluation (P-FE) is one special application of DE focused on evaluating adherence to effectiveness principles for achieving results and guiding adaptive action. The eight essential principles of DE will be examined and applied through the lens of P-FE. Participants will learn to use the GUIDE framework for P-FE, an acronym specifying the criteria for high-quality principles: (G) guidance for action, (U) utility, (I) inspiration, (D) developmental adaptation, and (E) evaluable.  Participants will apply the GUIDE framework on their own projects. Principles-focused developmental evaluation guides innovative initiatives in navigating the uncertainties and turbulence of complex dynamic systems. Integrating DE and P-FE moves beyond project/program evaluation to evaluate strategies, collaborations, diverse interventions, and systems change initiatives. Complexity concepts and systems thinking will be incorporated as undergirding both DE and P-FE. Participants will learn DE and P-FE methods, designs, applications, and uses.

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Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN) Summit
9:00 AM09:00

Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN) Summit

The MINN Summit is a full-day conference offering globally-minded individuals and local organizations a forum to connect, share, and learn.

Charmagne Campbell-Patton and Michael Quinn Patton will be featured as Spotlight Speakers at 1pm in advance of the keynote address by Abdul M. Omari.

Charmagne will also be facilitating the following session with Meredith Kruger Kos at 2:45pm:

Collaboration and learning from others is crucial to the success of any international development organization. In this session, busy nonprofit professionals will have an opportunity to brainstorm and network through structured round table discussions, facilitated by two international evaluation professionals. This is an interactive session; as part of the discussion, participants should come prepared to discuss a problem they currently face, and be ready to help troubleshoot with others.

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Blue Marble Evaluation Webinar:  Evaluation for Transformative Change
11:00 AM11:00

Blue Marble Evaluation Webinar: Evaluation for Transformative Change

Evaluation for Transformative Change was the theme of the International Development Evaluation Association conference meeting in Prague September 30-October 5. Blue Marble Evaluation team members Michael Quinn Patton, Pablo Vidueira, and Glenn Page were at the conference. During this webinar, they will make connections between what emerged at the conference and Blue Marble Evaluation, including Michael's closing keynote speech on Transforming Evaluation to Evaluate Transformation and the workshop Glenn and Pablo conducted on Blue Marble Evaluation baselines.

Webinar time: 16:00 UTC / 12pm EDT / 11am CDT

Click here to watch the webinar recording.

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