Leading up to the launch of Michael’s new book, Blue Marble Evaluation: Premises and Principles, we shared one Blue Marble Evaluation principles each week. We got through twelve of the sixteen principles, which you can read here. The final four principles all relate to the concept of transformation, so we have grouped them together. Here are the final four operating principles for Blue Marble Evaluation:
Theory of Transformation Principle: Design, implement and evaluate transformation based on an evidence-supported theory of transformation.
Transformation Fidelity Principle: Ensure that what is called transformation constitutes transformation.
Transformational Alignment Principle: Transform evaluation to evaluate transformation.
Evaluation as Intervention Principle: Integrate and network evaluations to inform and energize transformation.
With the launch of the Blue Marble Evaluation book, we have also created a website that will host Blue Marble Evaluation going forward. We invite you to visit https://bluemarbleeval.org/ to learn more about all of the Blue Marble Evaluation Principles and to join the growing network of Blue Marble Evaluators.